I've been a full-time freelance writer for 15 years. I'm sharing how I got started with part-time freelance writing jobs and how it has turned into a lucrative career!
Even if the job market isn't great, there are still unique summer jobs for teens available. Help your teen get creative. Explore these summer job opportunities together.
Is the income from your freelance work barely paying the bills? It could just be that you don't know how to write a proposal for a project. 5 ways to make sure your proposal writing is getting the attention it deserves.
The 3 most important things to include in a letter of recommendation for a friend + Things to AVOID! Reference letter examples, templates & tips to make writing a reference letter quick & easy.
See the current minimum wage rate & what types of jobs are minimum wage jobs. Plus a list of the best minimum wage jobs, jobs that pay more than that, and 4 ways to start making more than the federal minimum wage.
Got a job interview? If you're not careful, you could mess things up if you say or do the wrong thing! 10 job interview mistakes to avoid + 10 tips to help you get the job.
Here are 6 reasons to pursue internship opportunities, regardless of age or career experience. To find internships available to you right now - start here!
Do you love being outside? Enjoy catering to lots of people? If so, then opening a hot dog vendor business might be for you! Here's how to get started.
You can start these home based businesses practically overnight! These home business ideas are for entrepreneurs who don't want to give up their day jobs.