Numerous reports are stating that there will likely be very few fun summer jobs for teens. This is unfortunate, but there are some fun alternatives that your teenager might not have thought of.
Since traditional summer jobs may be fewer in number, teens just need to be a little more creative and come up with their own summer job opportunities.
So, have a talk with your teen and ask these questions:
- How much money they’d like to make.
- What amount of time they can dedicate to a job.
- How they can use their talents and interests to make some money this summer.
Then mention these 5 summer jobs for teens that would be fun and profitable:
#1 – Mow Lawns
I can’t tell you how many times I or a neighbor wished we could find someone to mow our lawns for a reasonable price. Especially when school lets out — mowing is a perfect summer job for teenagers.
With contractors charging $40 for a 1/2-acre yard, a willing and able teen only needs to charge $20 to easily make $40 to $80 in a day! (After your teen builds a reputation for doing good work, they can charge even more.)
Here are some of the benefits of lawn mowing jobs for teens:
- The pay is good. Especially during the summer months, the need for lawn care is high. If your teen charges $10 to $40 (depending on the size of the lawn), they have the potential to earn good money this summer.
- There’s a lot of repeat business. If someone asks your teen to mow once, and the job is done right, they’ll likely ask again. If your neighbor mows their own yard, encourage your teen to offer to mow while they’re away on summer vacation.
- It’s a flexible work schedule. Teens have lots of activities going on (especially in the summer months) — so this is a great way for them to learn responsibility and how to set their own schedule.
- Advertising is easy. Have your teen post their availability and pay rate at the community pool or on bulletin boards at neighborhood stores. They could also make a sign and put in the yards they’ve mowed to build referrals and increase word of mouth from neighbors.
This 14-year-old’s lawn mowing business went viral.
#2 – Babysit Or Start A Day Camp
Think of the homes on your street that have young children living in them. Many of the parents of those kids will be at a loss for things to do with the kids during the long summer months.
Some will be more than willing to pay a teenager $100 a week to watch and play with their children. The alternative for them is to pay $300+ a week to send their kids to day camp.
Here are some ways to make this an even more lucrative summer job for your teen:
- Talk with neighbors about summer plans for their smaller kids. (Find out who’s going on vacation or to goes to summer camps away from home.)
- Find other responsible teens who can help run “summer camp-like” activities in the neighborhood.
- Help them get a mini-neighborhood summer day camp up and running.
Here’s how your teen can earn money by starting a neighborhood summer camp.
#3 – Build Websites Or Organize Digital Photos
Teens these days are so savvy online. They can build websites, edit photos, send tweets, and Snapchat quicker than anyone you’ve ever known, right?
Encourage them to use their tech skills to earn some extra cash!
If your teen knows how to use WordPress to make a website — they’ve got a valuable skill! Teenagers might consider charging $100 to create a basic site, and $50 for each additional page.
Ask around:
- A neighbor might need a small website for their new business.
- A couple getting married soon might want to start a blog.
- A new mom might need be interested in setting up a Facebook page, so friends and family who live out of town can watch the baby grow.
With so many different social platforms these days, your teen might been the perfect one to help a neighbor learn how to use a social media app or website — for a fee.
Also, there are so many people who don’t know how to manage all of their digital photos. Your teen could offer to edit, organize, upload, or create photo albums in a quarter of the time it would take you or me to do it.
Here’s how to start a photography business as a teenager, plus how to get a photo-editing business going.
#4 – Teach, Tutor, Or Mentor
We’re all talented at something. What I really love about this list of summer jobs for teens is that it works for both teenagers and adults who are looking to earn some extra money.
For example, if you’re a teacher and have “off” over the summer and you want to earn some cash — offer private lessons!
When looking at summer jobs for teens, consider their unique skills, talents, and hobbies to see if there’s any earning potential.
Teens who have talents in these areas can make extra money this summer:
Finding a way for your teenager to use their skills and talents over the summer will help boost their confidence, hone their skills, and can earn them a nice paycheck!
Plus, they can work as many or as few hours as they like.
#5 – House Sit Or Pet Sit
Let your neighbors know that your teen is available to walk their dogs, water their plants, and take in their mail while they’re away this summer.
If your teen can find 1 or 2 homes a month in which to house sit, they’ll end the summer with a good amount of cash (and won’t be begging you for money — well, maybe not).
Your teen could ask all neighbors with dogs if they’d like them to:
- Walk each dog on a set schedule every day (like when the homeowners are at work or each evening).
- Care for the dog and keep an eye on their house while they’re away on vacation.
Remind your teenager that giving a dog a good 30-minute walk could earn them $5 to $10 each time. House sitting pays even more than that.
Here are some tips for being a dog sitter, plus how to start a dog walking service.
This video has even more great tips and fun summer jobs for teens: