Best Careers & Job Tips

The current federal minimum wage is $7.25, but wvery state is different as to what their minimum wage is. Many states have established their own minimum wage -- which is usually higher than the federal minimum wage. Here's a list of minimum wages, state by state.


The QR code resume and the video resume are great ideas in today's competitive job market. Want to stand out from the other job applicants? Try one of these ideas.

Use these tips to stand out from other job applicants! Our best online job search tips to help you find a job online AND the 7 best online job sites to start with.

Your actor headshots are your "business card". I'm a working actor with some headshot tips for actors getting started + Tips for creating your acting resume.

If you sell yourself in the resume and follow up after submitting your resume, then you can almost guarantee a job interview! Here's how to do both of those things.

Letters of resignation for retirement or a job change aren't FUN to write. But a formal resignation letter is actually EASY to write - just include these 3 things!

Did you know you can test drive a new career by taking a work vacation? Here's how to make a career change: 1) Do a career pivot 2) Take a vocation vacation.

I've been a full-time freelance writer for 15 years. I'm sharing how I got started with part-time freelance writing jobs and how it has turned into a lucrative career!

Even if the job market isn't great, there are still unique summer jobs for teens available. Help your teen get creative. Explore these summer job opportunities together.