Articles for author: Andrea

A List Of Fun Summer Jobs For Teenagers – 5 Clever Summer Job Opportunities With A Unique Twist For Teens

You do realize we have the youth of the nation home this summer and they're looking for work -- right? Unfortunately, there aren't as many summer job opportunities available in retail businesses as there have been in the past. But that's okay because there are lots of unique summer jobs for teens available, if they're ready to work. Teens just need to be a little more creative and think outside the box! Here are some great summer job ideas to think about...

401k Retirement Plans: What You Need To Know About Your 401k Benefits

If you're anything like me, the mere mention of having to make big financial decisions (even if they are good for me) makes me cringe and worry I won't understand the facts. So, I want to break down 401k retirement plan information into a language everyone can understand. Here are the different contribution options, what to think about when investing, and what to do if you leave your job and you want to take your 401k benefits with you.

Should You Move For That New Job? It Is Worth Relocating? Here’s When Relocating For A Job Makes Sense & When It Doesn’t

Whether you are unemployed and an opportunity arises in a new city, or whether your current employer wants you to relocate to another one of their offices, there are several things you should think long and hard about first. Consider your standard of living where you are now, the cost of living where you'll be moving to, the actual cost of the move & all that's associated with moving to a new area, and whether the salary they're offering will be enough. We'll help point you in the right direction and answer the question, 'Should you relocate now or maybe wait this one out?'

New Legislation Affects The Sale Of Handmade Items Online Plus Kids Toys & Clothing At Thrift Stores

Many thrift store owners and those to make and sell craft items are worrying that the new legislation that regulates lead content in clothing and toys could very well drive them out of business. Here's how the new lead laws affect you as a thrift store shopper (or owner), or if you're a crafter who makes handmade items and sells them on places like eBay and Etsy.

Looking For A Job In This Tight Economy? Here Are 7 Industries That Are Hiring!

If you are looking for a job -- or a second job -- you might be discouraged. It seems that jobs are few and far between these days. However, if you extend your job search to a few specific industries, you may find that there are quite a few industries that are actively hiring right now. Here are some places you may want to look to find a job, or possibly even... to start a business.