Thanks to a guy who has WAY too much time on his hands, and a burning desire to get to the bottom of almost anything…
Here is the truth behind those “Work At Home” signs you see posted on telephone poles, fences, and walls all over town. Who’s putting them up? How legit are they?
You might be surprised to learn that while each looks slightly different and each lists a different telephone number, most of them are from the same company!
According to Rob at
- At least 95% of anything that says “work from home” is promoting the Herbalife business.
- An article he found on Google mentioned that 60% of all “work from home” offers are from Herbalife.
Aside from Herbalife, the most popular Street Spam signs are: Work at Home, Work From Home, I Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days, Have a PC, We Buy Houses, Affordable Health Insurance, Budget Health Plans, and Going Out of Business.
If you are tired of seeing such signs cluttering the streetscapes and vistas in your neck of the woods, rest assured that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam (CAUSS) is a group of citizens from around the country who want to improve their communities by reducing or eliminating Street Spam. If you are in support of this goal, then you can consider yourself a member of CAUSS too. There are no membership requirements and no dues to pay. At the very least, check out the many ways that you can make a difference stomping out Street Spam in your community.