Have you caught the entrepreneurial bug?
The idea of starting a business and being a full-time entrepreneur is enticing. But the fact is, you’ll probably need to keep your day job — at least for awhile.
Bills still need to be paid and your start-up company probably won’t be profitable right away. (You should consider yourself extremely lucky if your company makes money in its first or second year.)
So that means you’ll have to keep your 9-to-5 job to survive long enough to see your new business flourish.
Here are 5 things you can do that will help when starting a business…
Starting your new venture while still working full-time will almost certainly lead to the busiest year or two of your professional life, but this is often a worthwhile trade-off given the added financial security it will provide.
#1 – Imagine The Future
It’s easy to lose your focus on the future when you’re working 2 jobs. If you’re not careful, losing your focus can easily spell doom for your dreams.
Ambition doesn’t guarantee success, but it is important.
Think about where you want your business to be in a year. Write it down, and be specific. Some tips to consider:
- Add as many details as possible to your plan.
- Describe what’s happening in the office day-to-day.
- Consider how many clients you will have.
- Estimate your income.
- Use present tense when making notes.
Every day, read it out loud. (Heck, you can even post it on your bathroom mirror or in your car!)
It may seem silly, but repetition will keep you mindful of your goals and ambitions. It’ll keep your passion alive and make you more resistant to daily stress.
#2 – Keep Learning
One of the greatest challenges you face as an entrepreneur with a day job is finding a way to keep your passion from getting snuffed out by the daily grind.
You can keep the thrill alive — and become a better businessperson — by immersing yourself in relevant subject matter. Here’s how:
- Keep learning.
- Attend night classes.
- Subscribe to and read relevant newsletters.
- Do whatever it takes to stay up-to-date on your start-up’s industry.
There’s nothing like new knowledge to keep you motivated!
#3 – Appreciate Your Day Job
If your new business is the expression of your dreams, it’s easy to start seeing your day job as a barrier to happiness.
You may start thinking your time would be better spent at the start-up, and you could eventually start hating your day job. Every moment at work is a pain and a waste — or so you think.
The fact is, you probably couldn’t even start your own business without your day job. Profit is notoriously difficult to turn in the first year.
Your day job, on the other hand, lets you pay the bills and put money into your company. Give it the appreciation it deserves. (And, keep in mind that you may need to revisit previous employment options if your start-up is unsuccessful.)
#4 – Commit To The Start-Up
When you first start your venture, it’s all new and exciting. You can easily survive the first few months on that hype.
However, hype eventually wears away, leaving only the grind. This is when thoughts of quitting may start creeping in.
If you hadn’t made a commitment at that point, you may back out before giving it a solid attempt. It doesn’t speak badly of you as a person, but it’s a mistake many people have made.
So… it’s important to make a commitment to your start-up.
It could be something as simple as putting the pledge in writing or telling your spouse, friends, or family that you won’t quit pushing until the business is successful or unless you are forced to give up.
What matters is you make the commitment and stick to it!
#5 – Set And Accomplish Daily Goals
One great way to keep the flame alive as an entrepreneur is to have a sense of accomplishment. Setting and accomplishing daily goals will keep you focused.
Your daily goals don’t need to be huge. Even small and measurable steps can keep your passion alive and healthy.
There are even goal tracking products and apps out there to use! What will they think of next?
You definitely can live the dream of a full-time entrepreneur — as long as you take your time and lay the groundwork for your success.
Commit to your project and remind yourself daily of why you’re doing it and what you have to gain.
If you complete small and measurable goals toward your dream each day, then you’ll begin to feel empowered as you’re making progress toward becoming a full-time entrepreneur.