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My very first job after college was as a Career Counselor -- helping college graduates choose their ideal career and plot a course toward their dream job. Ever since then, I've been helping others streamline the job search process -- by focusing only on what's most important and ways to stand out from other job candidates. As an entrepreneur myself who works from home full-time, I'm especially passionate about helping others fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams. When I'm not helping people find ways to get paid doing what they love, you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Phone interviews are a pre-screening method employers use. These phone interview tips & tricks will ensure that you won't be caught off-guard if they call!

If early retirement is in your plans, here are 3 things you need to do NOW in order to retire early... and comfortably. Psst, you might not be as ready as you think you are!

As a small business owner, you can build a brand by doing the same things big businesses do. By making people feel as if they are part of a local experience, your brand will reach new heights.

If you save papers (like for tax purposes), you need a shredder - especially if you work from home or have a small business. We have 2 paper shredders. See why we chose the ones we did.


Starting a new business? Here's how to write a business plan, market your business to the public, and get financing for your new company.

How to make extra money by turning your favorite hobby into a small business. Why not get paid for doing what you love to do? Isn't it time you pursue whatever it is that you're passionate about? Here are all the best hobbies that make money!

These new job search tips apply to anyone entering the job market for the very first time. I realize that 'general' job search tips can be found in books and websites everywhere, but these are very specific tips geared for TODAY's job seeker. Consider these the best new 'modern' tips that will make the biggest difference in your job search.

Why not make a 'business card' promoting your own website? You can hand them out at events, tack them up on community bulletin boards inside stores & offices, and more! See how to make your own FREE business cards here...

Want to make a quick million dollars? Here's how others have done it with unique, creative ideas. Many of them took very little effort on their part. Here's a fun look at some million dollar ideas from the past and present. Get 'em while they're hot!