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Aimee McGrath

I'm a health nut, a frugal mom, a dog lover, a DIYer, and a gadget girl. Personally, as a post-divorce, working single mom on a budget I have a lot of experiences that I enjoy sharing so others can learn from the things I wish I knew earlier! Professionally, I've worked full-time in a variety of marketing, sales, and editing jobs. You can always find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as Managing Editor at The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Buying a franchise might sound very intriguing - but it's not for everyone. Ask yourself these 5 questions to decide if you should buy a franchise.

What do hobbies, volunteering, and downsizing have to do with planning for retirement? They're great ways to expand your horizons and feel fulfilled in life.

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Rachel Ray landed jobs without a degree. You can too! High paying careers without college are available - here's how to find 'em

We all make mistakes, even business owners. I've compiled a list of 5 common small business mistakes to avoid in order to be a successful entrepreneur.

Are you an entrepreneur seeking a free way to market your business? Here are 5 tips to building a great Facebook business page to engage and keep customers .